Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monterrey Devastated by Hurricane Alex Flooding

Monterrey, Mexico - home to Thierica de Mexico - was recently declared a disaster area by Mexican President Felipe Calderon. While our plant was spared, the devastation is wide-spread and dramatic. With the mountainous terrain and rocky ground the water tore through the town with great force destroying or burying everything in its path.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Piano Black

Piano Black - We love to see it on our cars interior and exterior but if you are responsible for creating this desirable look, you need  the right tools.
Just saying "piano black" conjures images of the deep rich look of a glossy black Grand Piano with a tuxedo clad gentleman performing your favorite classical piece; his hands sweeping across the ivories with grace and beauty.

In a paint shop, hearing the phrase "piano black" can make chills run up your spine and make your production team run for cover.

Whether applying high gloss clear over black paint for an interior part or an abrasion resistant hardcoat to a Polycarbonate exterior part such as a B-pillar, there are several important features that must exist in your paint system.

It's all about controlling your process.  With a properly designed paint system (built by Thierica of course:-) you can achieve your goals

The keys to our design include
  • Part cleaning- our latest "dry cleaning" methods.  We are able to clean the parts as they enter the paint line. 
  • The air entering our water-wash booths, tunnels and ovens all utilize HEPA filtration which creates a clean room atmosphere. 
  • Thierica has also developed Air flow monitoring software that automatically keeps your system air flows balanced between filter changes. 
  • Accurate temperature and humidity control from our engineered Air make-up system is also critical.

When Thierica builds your paint system, you get the tools you need to successfully process high gloss "piano black" parts.

For more information about Thierica solutions, give us a call.

Change Those Filters

Air filters are designed to capture contamination while allowing air to pass through.  As a filter loads up with contamination, the air passages are reduced.  This results in higher "static pressure" which leads to restricted air flow. 

All filters have published data that explain the initial and final static pressure (measured in "inches of water column").  When the final resistance is reached, the filter must be changed.  A loaded filter that is left unchanged will allow particles to pass through. A blower equipped with a variable speed drive can increase the RPM's to accommodate the changing conditions. 

There are many types of filters used in a paint system and we will recommend the best type of filter and also provide a schedule for replacing them. This can be used as a starting point but careful monitoring and data tracking is necessary to develop your filter changing schedule.

Want more tips?  Give us a call.

Friday, February 26, 2010

TopCon - Topical Conference

Decorating And Assembly

When: June 15 & 16, 2010
Where: Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, Cool Spring, TN

Thierica's own Rob Brewer will be presenting a technical paper outlining cost savings initiatives for the paint industry.

Find out more at: www.4spe.org

Explosion Proof Air Handling Units

Circulating Air Saves Money

At Thierica we are experts at building equipment with savings in mind and our new explosion proof air handling units don't disappoint!

More and more of our spray booth systems utilize circulating air flow to reduce exhausted air volumes and increase BTU value for abatement equipment. So instead of buying a separate air handling unit to accomplish this let Thierica integrate it into the spray booth. That's precisely why we began building our own ex proof modules, to save you money.

New System Production Launch in 2010

We began this year off right by launching our latest automated system. The system included four painting robots, three cleaning robots, our patented water wash booths, dual fuel ovens, and a state of the art energy savings and production monitoring software package.

As always the entire system was pre-built on our floor prior to shipment to ensure a quick and smooth production launch. To further reduce customer risk the robot programs were developed in our lab while the equipment was being fabricated allowing production to begin immediately after installation was complete.

When you are ready for a new system ask us how we can assist in launching your production process without fail!